

Varnish 的默认端口是 6081,而不是 80 端口。所以还得改改, 一、修改 /lib/systemd/system/varnish.service文件 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/varnishd -a :6081 -T localhost:6082 -f /etc/varnish/default.vcl -S /etc/varnish/secret -s malloc,256m 二、修改 /etc/default/varnish 文件 DAEMON_OPTS=”-a :6081 \ -T


Tengine是由淘宝网发起的Web服务器项目。它在Nginx的基础上,针对大访问量网站的需求,添加了很多高级功能和特性。Tengine的性能和稳定性已经在大型的网站如淘宝网,天猫商城等得到了很好的检验。它的最终目标是打造一个高效、稳定、安全、易用的Web平台。 一、查看nginx版本 nginx -v nginx: nginx version: nginx/

Setting up a Debian LLMP server

LLMP, Debian, lighttpd, xcache,… what is all that? While most of you might know a LAMP server (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP), little know a LLMP or LEMP server. The only difference between them is the software that is used to serve your webpages. LAMP uses Apache, LEMP uses Nginx and LLMP uses Ligh